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"Oral has a whopping 25% weightage in the exam and often, this 25% is crucial in determining your child’s grade!"

Unknown to many parents, the Oral component has a higher weightage than the Writing component in PSLE Chinese Exam. Oral has a whopping 25% weightage in the exam and often, this 25% is crucial in determining your child’s grade. However, Oral is often a neglected component and deemed “scary” and “difficult” to many students. 


Given that, Etern recognises the importance in acing the Oral Component and in building the confidence of students in speaking Chinese in an Exam setting. To give students a final push in their Preliminary Exam and PSLE Oral, we will be conducting a PSLE Chinese Oral Booster Camp that provides students with a comprehensive 6h targeted Oral training. 


The classes will be conducted in small groups to maximise the contact time students have with the teachers. On top of that, students will be given the opportunity to have mock oral practices to simulate exam-condition.


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